Bleeding RED or Black? Do you Really have Hemorroids?

on Wednesday, April 7

Hemorrhoids usually bleed. Some more than others. If they stop that does not mean they are healed, but it can mean they are starting the get better and you have not bee straining them as much.

It is always a good idea to check the bood, actually look at it. What is the color?

* Bright Red is bleeding from freshly reptured hemorrhoids. ( that is good because is it this is what you are learning to treat).

* Dark Red or Black Blood is a danger sign. The darker the blood the longer it has been in the body. It is not a fresh wound. Could be coming from colon, or other internal organs. You must get this checked quickly.

Fresh red blood also need to be addressed. Clean the area well. Apply baking soda, apple vinegar, aloe vera, medicatate pads, medicated cream. These will all aid in reducing the swelling so as to slow or stop the bleeding.

If you are constipated take action now. Prune Juice is a good natural way of softening the digestive system. See more options below.